For decades, neurofeedback therapy has trained children and adults to master the critical skills of focus and attention—by targeting a change in functional brain networks in contrast to behavior. Effective interventions result in vast improvements in the ability to self-regulate and think with clarity. For ADHD, neurofeedback can produce long-lasting changes in behavior, and potentially reduce reliance on daily stimulant medication.

Virtual reality as a platform enables an immersive training environment that effectively amplifies skill training to the physical world. This has been demonstrated with mindfulness training and surgical training. We apply the principles of game design and skill learning to create games that intuitively strengthen executive function—a key domain for growth in ADHD.

Neurofeedback programs for ADHD have not kept pace with the evolution of consumer technology, delivery platforms, affordable pricing structures, and efficient program management. Given the persistent prevalence of ADHD  and the associated emergence of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse among these teens, we need huge leaps forward to address the needs of this population.