About Gambit Labs

Gambit Labs was conceived in 2021 by Julia Scott, Ph.D. and Max Sims. We are proposing a science-backed neurofeedback system for young adults with the immersivity of VR gaming that can be practiced at home and supported by a coach.

Our name draws its distinction from the notion of a gambit — a deliberate action taken to gain an advantage. The notion of a gambit has been associated with cleverness and gaming for centuries. Paired with labs, we reference evidence-based approaches to reinforcing adaptive brain function through neurofeedback therapy. The name Gambit Labs embodies our inspiration and a gaming-forward approach to improving mental health and wellness.

We are on a mission larger than ourselves or our company. Together, we are helping to create a space where youth have the opportunity to hold greater agency over their well-being as they step into adulthood with confidence, equanimity, and curiosity.